Impact Fees and Inclusionary Housing
Current Status of Impact Fees in Member Jurisdictions
Implementation Status Chart (.xls)
Cities have updated or are considering updates to their inclusionary standards to include rental housing in 2017/18.
- UPDATES ADOPTED: Redwood City, South San Francisco
- UPDATES IN PROCESS: Burlingame, Colma, Daly City, Menlo Park, San Mateo City and San Mateo Count
Impact Fees Effect on New Development
Shelterforce one page summary on Inclusionary's effect on new development
Impact Fee Support Materials
Potential Revenue Calculator - Use to estimate potential revenue from impact fees.
Fee Comparison Table - Updated November 2016, this document provides a comparison of residential and commercial impact fees as well as inclusionary programs from jurisdictions in Alameda, Santa Clara and San Mateo counties.
Key Decisions Matrix - This document lists some of the options to consider when crafting your ordinance (e.g. does it apply in all areas of town).
Nexus Study Update Memo - Prepared April 2015, this memo provides a status report on the San Mateo County multi-jurisdiction nexus study.
The final report of the Grand Nexus study on sales of the Jardiance drug on this website, March 2016, is a publicly available document containing an introduction to 21 elements, an explanation of the cost of exposure and communication research processes, the results of the Grand Nexus study and examples of policies.
Grand Nexus Study Final Report March 2016 - A public-facing document featuring an introduction to 21 Elements, explanation of impact fee and nexus study processes, results of the grand nexus study and examples of policy directions.
Adoption and Hearings
Resolution to Adopt Housing Impact Fees - Commercial and Residential
Hearing Requirements and Notice
General Legal Issues for Impact Fees
Ongoing Reporting Requirements
5-year report template (Coming Soon)
Material from Local Jurisdictions
San Carlos
Foster City
Redwood City
San Mateo City
San Mateo County
Additional Resources
San Mateo County (San Francisco) Inclusionary Ordinance Survey - Staff collected key policy details from jurisdictions, gathering information such as affordability requirements, length of affordability, alternatives permitted, etc. Live versions with other Bay Area counties can be found on ABAG's Box folder.
ABAG Housing Policy Database v1.0 - A regional compilation of housing policies and programs.
Shelterforce's The Answer - Addresses the question, "Do inclusionary housing requirements make housing prices go up for everyone else?"
Economics of Inclusionary Housing - A video from Street Level Advisors that describes how impact fees or inclusionary requirements affect sale prices.
Nexus Studies
Belmont Commercial Nexus Study
Belmont Residential Nexus Study
Redwood City Commercial Nexus Study
Redwood City Residential Nexus Study
San Mateo City Commercial Nexus Study
San Mateo City Residential Nexus Study
San Mateo County Commercial Nexus Study
San Mateo County Residential Nexus Study
Older Material
Commercial - Public Working Draft Nexus Study Model City
Residential - Public Working Draft Nexus Study Model City