Equity Advisory Group

The Equity Advisory Group is a key part of the Let’s Talk Housing effort. The collaborative effort of all the jurisdictions in San Mateo County focused on getting community feedback that will shape our Housing Elements – a housing plan that is part of every General Plan. Through an ongoing initiative called 21 Elements, we are working together to learn from and listen to the community about their housing needs, helping to make sure everyone is involved in shaping our shared future.

The following are documents for Equity Advisory Group members to access - both working documents and finalized documents - in a much easier to access format than Google Drive. 

Equity Working Group Member List


Kickoff Meeting (April 21, 2021)

In Language Materials

Let's Talk Housing Introduction to Housing Elements

Outreach Materials

  • To upload photos for use in Let's Talk Housing messaging/communication, please upload to this Google Drive folder

Role/Responsibilies Agreement

  • Equity Advisory Group role/responsbilities agreement